Contact us
For general inquiries, please contact the listed persons below and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Helsinki, Finland
Contact person
Kristian Ukonaho
+358 400 668 454
Mikonkatu 6
00100 Helsinki

Stockholm, Sweden
Contact person
Christoffer Callans
+46 70 324 5552
Brahegatan 10
114 37 Stockholm

Munich, Germany
Contact person
Matilda Schillo
+49 173 600 2023
Pacellistraße 8
80333 Munich

Report your concerns
Verso believes in full transparency and integrity as they are essential to the sustainability and long-term success of any company. We require the Verso companies – and Verso portfolio companies – to practice modern good corporate governance principles and promote equality, diversity, and responsibility in their operations. Therefore, Verso offers a whistleblowing channel which is open for anyone. We encourage you to report us if you observe or suspect any illegal actions or other breaches. It is vital for us to be aware of any breaches, maladministration, misconduct, or shortcomings to intervene and to improve our activities.
Examples of concerns include, but are not limited to:
- Suspicion of fraud, corruption, money laundering
- Breach of economic sanctions
- Error reporting or manipulation of information or accounting
- Harassment, discrimination, and racism
- Violations of health and safety regulations
- Breaches of environmental and human rights laws
Before you report
The reports should be made in good faith. The whistle-blower decides what information is to be provided. There is no requirement that the whistle-blower can prove the event, act, or omission. However, to allow us to perform adequate follow-up actions, the report should include as much detail as possible and, if available, supporting evidence.
The whistle-blower’s name will only be known to those processing the report. We do not allow any form of retaliation against any employee who reports alleged misconduct in good faith. Knowingly making a false report may result in a fine or claims for damages. If so desired, a whistle-blower can also report anonymously.
The process
Fill in the form:
The whistle-blower will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within seven days from our Compliance officer. All reports are taken seriously, and they will be investigated. External advisories may be used confidentially, if necessary. The whistle-blower will receive feedback on the notification within 90 days.