Tapani Ryhanen, CTO at Emberion, announced as one of the top100 innovative people

Tapani has been announced as the top100 innovative people by the Imaging & Machine Vision Europe (Electro Optics): Congratulations Tapani!
Introducing the Photonics 100: Discover the who’s who at the cutting-edge of photonics evolution. https://www.electrooptics.com/thephotonics100
Tapani Ryhänen has been working on different nanomaterials and their applications in various sensors and electronic components since 2007.
‘During the past 10 years, my team has systematically focused on creating novel image sensors and cameras based on colloidal quantum dots and 2D layered materials, especially graphene. Expanding the wavelength range of affordable image sensors to SWIR and MWIR will open numerous applications in industrial machine vision, spectroscopy and eventually in consumer applications,’ said Ryhänen.
This will be possible using lower cost manufacturing technologies and novel materials, he predicts. ‘We will see SWIR and MWIR sensors in environmental measurement, as enablers of circular economy and various industrial measurements.’
While Ryhänen believes the stability of nanomaterial-based image sensors will improve gradually and that they will be robust over time and in challenging operating conditions, he said ‘scaling up the production of nanomaterial-based image sensors requires a lot of effort and investments’.
You can find Ryhänen online at linkedin.com/in/tapani-ryhänen-53613b6/ or researchgate.net/profile/Tapani-Ryhaenen. He plans to attend Photonics West.
Organisation: Emberion
Role: CTO
Based in: Espoo, Finland
Education: Doctor of Technology, Aalto University, Finland (Technical physics (low temperature physics), Semiconductor physics, Electronics)
“Dr. Tapani Ryhänen has been a visionary leader in the sensor and photonics industries over several decades. He not only founded Nokia Research Center’s Cambridge nanotechnology laboratory and, subsequently, Emberion Oy – a leader in development of high-performance industrial cameras, but he has been a key figure in the EU Graphene Flagship Project and a number of other international efforts, publications, patents and discussion to drive the development of photonics industry forward. As the CTO of Emberion, Tapani continues to be the intellectual leader of the development of novel nanomaterial-based sensor solutions and also oversees the entire end-to-end camera system development for a growing portfolio of globally unique and competitive products”
Jyrki Rosenberg CEO, Emberion Oy